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Game Review: Colorku

Game Review: Colorku | Pam's Party Place
Game Review: Colorku

I love finding new games to play with family and friends, but this time, I found a one-player game that is perfect for a problem solver game player like myself.

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Colorku puts a new spin on the game, Sudoku, in a colorful board game version.

Do you play Sudoku? I love it! I prefer the pen and paper version that you find in the newspaper or in a book at the drugstore over the digital app version. The apps are too easy.

All the apps alert you to your mistake right away. In the paper and pen version, you don’t know you screwed up until you have made a mess of it and need to start over. 

It taught me to be a better Sudoku player.

What is Sudoku?

For those of you who have never played, it is a one person game which has a playing board with 81 squares – 9 cubes with 9 spaces in each cube. 

The player is tasked with filling the cubes with the numbers 1-9. Each game is set up with some of the numbers already in place and it’s your job to fill in the missing numbers. The trick is, you can’t use the same number in the same row, column or cube.

Colored Sudoku?

If you are not a fan of number games, you will love the new (to me) version of this game I found called Colorku. It is a beautiful wooden board with colorful wooden balls used in place of numbers.

The game also comes with over 100 puzzle cards marked Easy to Extreme. You simply set up the board to match the card and then try to solve the puzzle.

It was my intention to go through all the cards and mark them off when I got them completed. I tried skipping around by doing an Easy, then Moderate, then Tough.

Wrong idea. Take it slow. Go in order. Learn from your mistakes. They do include a handy solutions sheet to check your work.

It is such a fun, colorful game if you like to solve puzzles. I’m a hands-on person, so I enjoy being able to touch and feel the game pieces.

Warning if you have a cat: They like the round game pieces, too! I had to search for a piece under the cabinet after I got up to refill my coffee.

I also love that you will never run out of games to play. Colorku comes with a Color Conversion Card that shows players how to convert the number from any paper or online game set up to be played on the Colorku game board.

After 2020, I think most of us need a break from jigsaw puzzles. However, this is a great alternative for someone who enjoys the challenge of problem solving.

Where can I get one?

I got my game from Half Priced Books. I love that place! If you have one near you and haven’t checked it out, you can find some great games there as well. They also have online sales if you don’t have a store near you.

If you can’t find one at Half Priced books, try eBay or pick up a new or used one on Amazon.

They have some other versions of color Sudoku on Amazon, but Colorku is the only one with the bright colored ball game pieces.

I thought it might be fun to create my own board as a DIY woodworking project. Stay tuned for a post about that in the future!

If you have any other wooden game suggestions, please share them in the comments.

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