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Sequence – Game Review
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Friends of ours came over for dinner last month. We had not seen them in a few months and it was good to catch up on what was going on in their lives.
Their daughter, now living on her own after graduating college, had come to town to visit and brought this new-to-her game, Sequence. They loved it and brought it over to share with us.
We fell in love with it and have played it dozens of times since that first night! It’s simple and fun and perfect for game night.
Sequence is a card and board game. This version, Jumbo Sequence, is a form board with large images of the cards. It comes with 2 decks of cards and three colors of markers, which are similar to hard plastic poker chips.
The rules of the game are so simple. Depending on the amount of people, you can play as teams or individuals. We had four so we played in teams – boys versus girls. Each team is assigned a color – red, blue or green.
The dealer passes out seven cards to each player. You don’t use the jokers. On your turn, you put your chip on the board to match the card you discard.
Jacks are wild and the rules are written right on the board – One eyed Jacks allow you to remove your opponent’s chip
and two eyed Jacks are wild, meaning you can use it in place of any card on the board.
The object is to get two Sequences of five in a row – vertical, horizontal or diagonal. The four corners are free spaces. Once you get five in a row, you turn the chips over to the white side of the chip. When a Sequence has been made, the chips cannot be removed with a Jack.
So that is it. The first player picks a card and places the chip on that space on the board. They discard and pick a new card and play continues.
It was such a fun, simple game that we went out a bought a game for ourselves. Sadly, they were wiped out of the Jumbo Sequence in the local stores, but thankfully, we have Amazon Prime so it was shipped free, arriving in two days.
Now, truth be told, the Jumbo version is more expensive. The regular version is a board game size, meaning the card spaces and markers are smaller. That version is around $20 vs. the Jumbo Sequence version which is closer to $50.
If that is still out of your price range, you can make your own version of the game for $5.
Let me tell you, this game is addictive and once you play, you will want a copy of your own. In fact, the two couples we played Sequence with after we had our own game, went out and bought a copy for their house. And they reported back to tell us that some of their friends bought a version, too.
If you are looking for a simple game for all age groups, this is the one for you. I highly recommend it!