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Kapow! Save the Day with a Superhero Party Plan
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With the popularity of the Avengers, Marvel comics and even The Incredibles, Superhero themes are all the rage for kids’ birthday parties. As a parent, I like to think we all have our own Superpowers and throwing your child an unforgettable birthday party is one of them. Who cares if you need to rely on party blogs and Pinterest to do it? Even Superheros have sidekicks!
If your child is one of the thousands of kids who want a Superhero themed birthday party this year, have no fear. We will help you save the day with this Super-b party plan!
It should come as no surprise that I came up with some games first:
Villains and Supers – For this game, you will need 10 plastic cups per player. Spread out the cups in an open area with half of the up and half of them down. Split the players into two teams. On go, the Villains turn them up, and Supers turn them down. At the end of two minutes, the winner will be the team with the most cups in their direction.
Don’t Get Caught in the Web – Use crepe paper to make a web in a hallway or small space. Make the web challenging by overlapping strands. Time the players to see who can make it through the fastest without touching or ripping the web.
Knock Down – Purchase stickers of Super Heros and Villains on plastic cups. Arrange them in a pyramid like a carnival game. Use bean bags or mini frisbees to try to knock the villains down.
How Strong is the Hulk? – Have kids wear oven mitts or Hulk hands and try to pop balloons using only their hands. It’s a lot harder than it looks.
Who am I? – Print out pictures of both Supers and Villains and glue to index cards. (Or use those leftover stickers from the Knock Down game.) Give the guests an elastic headband and tuck the cards inside (facing out) on their forehead. Players have to guess who they are by asking yes or no questions.
Got muscles? – We all know Superheros are strong. Have the kids wear a Men’s xl or 2xl shirt with sleeves. Blow up several different sized balloons. On go, two teams race to see how many muscles they can add to their Superhero. The winner has the biggest muscles.
Cape – Despite what Edna Mode from the Incredibles says, you just feel more like a Superhero when you wear a cape. Purchase colored men’s t-shirts – one for each guest. I suggest using a pinking shear to cut down the sides of the shirt and lay flat. Remove the sleeves. Cut along the seam of the shoulder to the neck. Leave the neck intact, but cut off the front part of the shirt. You are left with a cape that can be slipped over the kids’ head. Decorate with scraps from the other shirts using hot glue or just leave as solid capes.
Canvas Painting- This can be done one of two ways. Like the sip and paint shops, walk the guests through step by step to create a Superhero logo. Another way to do this is to paint the canvas a solid color ahead of time and tape a logo shape on the dried canvas. Place the canvas in a box to keep the mess to a minimum and have the kids drizzle or splat paint on top. Remove the tape when dried to reveal a cool Superhero logo design.
Paracord Bracelet – Use Superhero colors to make Paracord bracelets. Leisure Arts offers a kit that includes 20 bracelets, buckles and directions. If you don’t like the colors in the kit, you can purchase specific colors separately.
Extra fun:
Photo Booth – I love this idea that I found on Etsy! It’s a photo backdrop with Superman/Superwoman where kids can stick their head in the hole for a picture of themselves as the characters.
Rent a bounce house in the birthday star’s favorite character. It’s a great way to use up some of the kids’ Super-energy and a perfect place for the Superheros to try some of their moves.
Hire a face painter to add fun to the day. Or, for the more artistic parents, check out YouTube for some easy how-to videos to paint Superhero masks yourself.